Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19
Someone once said that after God created the world and assigned various tasks to the elements of his new creation, there was one job that remained unassigned: the work of being in awe and wonder. It’s not a task of doing. It’s a task of delighting (or simply being in awe)! God then gave that important job to the crowning element of his creation: humankind.
In our Scripture verses today we find Mary engaged in this awesome work. She “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
There was certainly a lot to treasure and ponder: a miraculous pregnancy; a healthy baby; a surprise visit by some shepherds; and a report of angels in the skies over Bethlehem!
A few months before these events, Mary had found someone to join her in the work of wonder: her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56). Together they had delighted in what God was doing for them and through them.
Are you ready for this assignment from God? There is so much for you to ponder! You’ve awakened to a new day, to a world filled with beauty and delight. Above all, God has given you the awesome gift of his own Son to reshape your future.
Can you slow down today—enough to reflect, remember, and recall?
Help me put away the idol of busyness, Lord. Prepare me for this assignment, the work of being in awe at you and at all you have done. Help me see your wonders, Lord. Amen.
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