August 01, 2013

Unoriginal Topic?

2 Timothy 3:14-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness …
—2 Timothy 3:16


Why do people talk so often about the weather? For more than a few of us, it can seem a dull topic for conversation.

Yet our comments on weather often jumpstart more than simply a polite conversation; they have a power to foster an instant connection even between strangers. After all, things like rain and sunshine affect everyone. And talking about weather can lead into a lot of other subjects.

In the Bible we find many passages that describe meteorological phenomena and reflect on weather-related images. Sometimes the biblical authors deal with cataclysmic events like the flood (Genesis 6-8). At other times, it’s something more common—like sunshine, rain, heat, and wind.

Just like everything else we find in the Bible, we must pay close attention to weather-related Scriptures. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the biblical authors included such passages for a reason. Stories and images about weather bring forth important lessons about the nature of God and his kingdom. They can also serve as a starting point for conversations on a range of other topics that are important for our spiritual growth!

Let us be prayerful and patient as we dig deeper into God’s Word for new and exciting insights this month.

Heavenly Father, we praise you for giving us the Bible, your written Word! From your Word we are taught and corrected in our daily walk with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

About the author — Sergei Sosedkin

Sergei Sosedkin is the Russian-language ministry leader for ReFrame Ministries. He is a native of Moscow, Russia. As he oversees the Russian-language ministry, Sosedkin works from our office in Grand Rapids and in various locations in Russia.

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