When we first got married, my wife was a kindergarten teacher. As I listened to her describe her days in the classroom, she impressed me more and more with her love for “her kids,” her sense of purpose, and her dedication. I was all the more impressed when I realized the scope of her responsibilities. On the first day of school, only some of her kindergarteners even knew the ABCs. Over the next nine months, she taught these little hearts to read. She taught them to count. She taught them to form letters with pencils. She made an impression on them that would last a lifetime. (Who can forget their kindergarten teacher? Mrs. Fairchild gave out full-size Hershey bars to kids who could write their names—I don’t think that would go over these days.) Indeed, my wife credits some of her own teachers for inspiring her to become one herself.
Are you a teacher? You do important, often thankless work (at least until years may have gone by). When you step into the classroom, know that God goes with you. Here are seven devotions from Today to refresh your spirit, refocus your heart, and renew your faith as you instill others with knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
For more devotions about love, teaching, service, and many other topics, you can check out our library here.
Hernandes Lopes
Mark 1:16-22
“He taught not only by his words but also by his actions. His teachings themselves were manifestations of power.”
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John D. Witvliet
Micah 4:1-7
“Whatever kind of work they are in, the best teachers do a lot more than give out information. They lead us down a path.”
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Steven and Deb Koster
Colossians 3:12-17
“Even a gentle rebuke can be hard to hear, even when it is given in a context of love. No one likes to have their faults pointed out and their rough edges scraped off.”
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Scott DeVries
Malachi 2:6; James 2:14-18
“Integrity would be impossible except for four little words in the example of Levi, ‘He walked with me.’”
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Harvey Brink
Proverbs 8:1-11
“Learning and teaching form a relationship that benefits both the learner and the teacher.”
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Bret Lamsma
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
“Cal’s mentors literally changed his life and gave him something to aim for and imitate when he became an adult.”
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Lloyd Wicker
Mark 10:46-52
“With God’s help, we must learn, despite life’s distractions, to train our eyes to see and our ears to hear the needs of people around us.”
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