Daily Devotions about: Trust

Date Title Scripture Reference Topics
August 30, 2024 Haven’t You Any Fish? John 21:1-14 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
August 17, 2024 What Do You Want Me to Do For You? Mark 10:46-52 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 15, 2024 Why Did You Doubt? Matthew 14:22-33 God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 8, 2024 Why Are You So Afraid? Matthew 8:23-27 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
July 20, 2024 Jesus and Sleep Mark 4:35-41 God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 19, 2024 Joseph’s Dream and Obedience Matthew 1:18-25 Obedience, Life, Christian Life, Trust
June 12, 2024 The Happiness of All Who Trust in God Psalm 33:1-22 Life, Emotions, Happiness, Christian Life, Trust
April 25, 2024 Trusting God in Uncertainty Psalm 89:8-16 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Trust
April 19, 2024 Transitions James 4:13-15 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 14, 2024 Trusting God Proverbs 3:5-6 Humility, Life, Christian Life, Trust
January 20, 2024 Application Accepted Matthew 21:28-32 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Trust
September 19, 2023 God Provides a Home Ruth 4:13-22 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 28, 2023 Faith Is Not a Mixed Bag Acts 19:18-20 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 22, 2023 Stop Playing God Acts 12:6-11, 18-24 Bible, Books of the Bible, Acts, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 16, 2023 The Wisdom of Waiting Genesis 16:1-16 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Abraham
July 12, 2023 When it’s Hard to Trust God Genesis 15:1-6 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Life, Trials & Challenges, Doubt, Christian Life, Trust
July 10, 2023 Trusting God Genesis 13:8-9, 14-18 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Abraham
July 2, 2023 Defining Faith Hebrews 11:1-6 Bible, Books of the Bible, Hebrews, Life, Christian Life, Trust
June 10, 2023 A Day’s Journey 1 Kings 19:1-18 Bible, Books of the Bible, 1 & 2 Kings, Life, Christian Life, Trust
March 16, 2023 God’s Unfailing Love Romans 8:38-39 Life, Emotions, Peace, Christian Life, Trust
February 4, 2023 All Your Heart Proverbs 3:5-6 Bible, Books of the Bible, Proverbs, Life, Christian Life, Trust
January 22, 2023 Reflection and Response Proverbs 3:1-6 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Promises
October 25, 2022 Trust All 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 30, 2022 Learning to Seek and Trust God Proverbs 3:5-6 Wisdom, Bible, Books of the Bible, Proverbs, Christianity, Sin, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 25, 2022 Do Not Be Anxious About Anything Philippians 4:4-7 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Emotions, Peace, Christian Life, Trust
August 8, 2022 God Is My Rock Psalm 18:1-6, 16-19 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Christian Life, Trust
March 30, 2022 Who Laid the Earth’s Foundations? Job 38:1-33 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life, Trust
March 22, 2022 Where Will You Go in the Storm? Nahum 1:1-8 Bible, Books of the Bible, Minor Prophets, Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 17, 2021 When the Answer is No 1 Samuel 28:3-20 Obedience, Bible, Bible Characters, David, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 16, 2021 Living Among Enemies 1 Samuel 27:1-12 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Life, Trials & Challenges, Enemies, Christian Life, Trust
November 11, 2021 Going Against Tradition 1 Samuel 19:1-17 Obedience, Bible, Bible Characters, David, Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 8, 2021 Lead Me, Guide Me 1 Samuel 17:25-58 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 3, 2021 My Way 1 Samuel 13:1-15 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Life, Christian Life, Trust
October 23, 2020 Resignation Genesis 43:1-14 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Bible Characters, Jacob, Life, Trials & Challenges, Weakness, Christian Life, Trust
May 12, 2020 Community Is . . . Trust Proverbs 13:20 Wisdom, Bible, Books of the Bible, Proverbs, Life, Family & Relationships, Christian Life, Community, Trust
April 26, 2020 Well Done Matthew 25:14-30 Faithfulness, Bible, Books of the Bible, Matthew, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
April 24, 2020 Blessed Belief John 20:24-31 Bible, Books of the Bible, Gospel of John, Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Trials & Challenges, Doubt, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
April 13, 2020 Trust Mark 16:9-20 Resurrection, Bible, Books of the Bible, Mark, Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Christian Life, Trust
March 28, 2020 Rock Matthew 16:13-20 Bible, Books of the Bible, Matthew, Bible Characters, Peter, Christianity, The Church, Life, Christian Life, Trust
February 19, 2020 Waking Up Thirsty Psalm 143 Rest, Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Christian Life, Trust
January 31, 2020 Trust and Obey Matthew 26:36-45 Obedience, Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Matthew, God's Word, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Seeking God, Following Jesus
January 16, 2020 God's Word Sustains Us Psalm 119:113-120 Wisdom, Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, God's Word, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Seeking God
December 16, 2019 The Way of God's Heart 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
August 22, 2019 More Splendid Than Solomon Luke 12:22-34 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Trials & Challenges, Fear, Christian Life, Trust, Worldliness
July 2, 2019 What the First Generation Saw Judges 2:6-10; Acts 9:1-19 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Christian Life, Trust
June 22, 2019 Ready to be Bound Acts 21:1-36 Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, Life, Trials & Challenges, Persecution, Christian Life, Trust
May 21, 2019 The Challenge of Doubt John 20:24-31 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Trials & Challenges, Doubt, Christian Life, Trust
May 19, 2019 Power from on High Luke 24:36-49 Christianity, Great Commission, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Christian Life, Trust
February 5, 2019 Seek First His Kingdom Matthew 6:25-34 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Seeking God, Provision
January 23, 2019 High Waves Mark 4:35-41 Bible, Life of Jesus, God, Miracles, Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust
January 17, 2019 Back to Basics, With a Twist John 21:1-14 Bible, Life of Jesus, God, Miracles, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Provision
December 17, 2018 Faithfulness and Deliverance 2 Kings 18:1-8 Faithfulness, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
December 8, 2018 God’s Providence Genesis 45:1-7 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Promises
November 28, 2018 Build Your House on the Rock Matthew 7:24-29 Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
November 15, 2018 I Will Not Be Shaken Psalm 62 Life, Emotions, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust
November 14, 2018 Be My Rock of Refuge Psalm 71:1-18 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Provision
November 8, 2018 “And That Rock Was Christ” 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Focus, Trust, Spiritual Food
November 5, 2018 To You, God, I Call Psalm 28 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust
November 3, 2018 The Rock Supreme Daniel 2:25-47; Colossians 1:15-20 God, Jesus, Attributes of God, Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 2, 2018 Rock, Stone, Fortress Psalm 62 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Trust
October 21, 2018 Love the Lord, Listen to His Voice Deuteronomy 30:11-20 Obedience, Listening, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Christian Life, Trust
October 14, 2018 A Bronze Snake on a Pole Numbers 21:4-9 Christianity, Doctrine, Eternal Life, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Christian Life, Trust
September 14, 2018 When God Says No 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 15, 2018 Do Not Be Anxious Matthew 6:25-34 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Purpose, Christian Life, Trust
August 6, 2018 The Art of Receiving Mark 10:13-16 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 22, 2018 Follow Luke 9:57-62 Sacrifice, Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
March 29, 2018 The Betrayal Kiss Psalm 41; Luke 22:47-53 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Trials & Challenges, Opposition, Christian Life, Trust
March 10, 2018 What’s Eating You? Ecclesiastes 6:7-9; Matthew 6:25-27 Discipline, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Spiritual Food
February 11, 2018 Daily Provisions Luke 11:2-4 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Christian Life, Trust
February 6, 2018 Who’s in Your Boat? Luke 8:22-25 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust
January 12, 2018 Born of a Virgin Matthew 1:18-23 God, Attributes of God, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 11, 2017 Battle Songs 2 Chronicles 20:1-28 Faithfulness, Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust
June 7, 2017 The Mystery of Seeds Mark 4:26-29 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Trust
May 29, 2017 Turned Into Treasure Malachi 3:16-18 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, Life, Christian Life, Trust
May 28, 2017 What Does God Give? Malachi 3:13-15 God, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth, Christian Life, Trust
April 7, 2017 I Trust in You, Lord Psalm 31:1-16 Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Trust, Seasons, Easter
March 5, 2017 “Even My Close Friend” Psalm 41:5-9; John 13:18-30 Bible, Books of the Bible, Gospel of John, Life of Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
January 30, 2017 Exalted Redeemers Ruth 4:18-22; Esther 10:1-3 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Submission
January 25, 2017 Boaz at the Gate Ruth 4:1-10; Psalm 15 Bible, Bible Characters, Boaz, Life, Christian Life, Trust
January 10, 2017 Call Me Bitter! Ruth 1:6-22 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life, Trust
January 6, 2017 Famine and Death Ruth 1:3-5 Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
December 19, 2015 Search Me, O God Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Seasons, Christmas
December 16, 2015 Wait Quietly Lamentations 3:19-26 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
December 15, 2015 Impatience 1 Samuel 13:1-14 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
December 9, 2015 Do Not Fret Psalm 37:1-9 Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 13, 2015 Trusting God to Do It Romans 4:1-12 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 20, 2015 Hannah and Samuel: Letting Go 1 Samuel 1:21-28 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 10, 2015 Philip and the Ethiopian: Loving Questions Acts 8:26-40 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 8, 2015 Job and Friends: Trusting in God’s Control Job 19:23-29 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
May 22, 2015 Father Knows Best Matthew 6:1-8 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Submission
May 21, 2015 Reckless Confidence Matthew 14:22-33 Life, Christian Life, Focus, Trust
May 20, 2015 Childlike Faith Mark 10:13-27 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
May 19, 2015 Receiving the Kingdom Like Children Mark 10:1-16 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Promises
May 2, 2015 In My Father’s Hands John 17:20-26 God, God the Father, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 24, 2015 Is It Really Possible? Colossians 3:5-11 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 10, 2015 Do Christians Doubt? John 20:24-29 God, God's Plan, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 8, 2015 Praying for Open Eyes Luke 24:13-35 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Seeking God
March 16, 2015 Ask for Anything You Wish! John 15:5-16 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 27, 2014 One Page at a Time Matthew 6:25-34 Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 17, 2014 Trust in God’s Timing 1 Samuel 24:1-13 Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 4, 2014 Can We Trust God? Romans 8:18-28 Life, Christian Life, Trust
December 23, 2013 Whom Do You Trust? Isaiah 7:10-17 Christianity, Salvation, Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Trust
December 22, 2013 Perfect Timing Galatians 4:4-7 Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Trust, Seasons, Christmas
October 26, 2013 God the Giver Matthew 7:7-11 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust
October 2, 2013 Only the Outsiders Are Insiders Matthew 5:3-5 Christianity, Salvation, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Christian Life, Trust
August 19, 2013 Stilling the Storm Mark 4:35-41 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Life, Trials & Challenges, Fear, Christian Life, Trust
August 18, 2013 "The Kingdom of God Is Near" Luke 21:25-36 Bible, God's Word, Life, Trials & Challenges, Fear, Christian Life, Trust
August 15, 2013 God's Help in Drought 1 Kings 17:1-6 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
March 20, 2013 Thirty Pieces of Silver Matthew 26:14-16 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Christian Life, Trust
March 6, 2013 Kingdom Priorities Luke 12:22-34 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Trust
February 23, 2013 Love Trusts John 15:12-17 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
January 18, 2013 Do We Enjoy God's Presence? Psalm 37:1-9 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Silence
January 5, 2013 Can God Be Trusted? Psalm 13 God, Life, Christian Life, Trust
September 3, 2012 Deep Roots Psalm 1 Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 29, 2012 Rest Area Matthew 11:25-30 Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 26, 2012 See the Future Matthew 28:16-20 God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust, The Future
July 25, 2012 A Gross Miracle Mark 7:31-37 God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 20, 2012 Trust Me Luke 12:22-34 Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 10, 2012 Do I Have Your Attention? John 6:16-21 Life, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust
July 8, 2012 Shepherd Us, Dear Lord John 10:14-18 God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Following Jesus
July 7, 2012 Too Late? John 11:17-26 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 5, 2012 Trust Me! John 14:1-4 Christianity, Doctrine, Eternal Life, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Trust
May 18, 2012 Changed Focus Matthew 14:22-33 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Trials & Challenges, Fear, Christian Life, Trust
March 21, 2012 Vigorous Action, Sweet Quiet Psalm 84 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Seasons, Lent
February 5, 2012 Held by God Proverbs 28:18-28 God, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 21, 2011 The First Christian Martyr Acts 7:51-60 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 20, 2011 The Most Radical Teaching of All John 5:1-18 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 19, 2011 A Willing Sacrifice John 10:11-18 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
April 18, 2011 A Childhood Prayer Luke 23:44-49 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 19, 2010 Don't Worry Luke 12:13-34 Life, Emotions, Peace, Trials & Challenges, Christian Life, Trust
May 6, 2010 Without God It's a World of Woe 2 Chronicles 15:1-7 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Life, Christian Life, Trust, Seeking God
March 20, 2010 Trusting in Times of Trouble Nahum 1:7-15 Life, Christian Life, Trust, Seasons, Lent