Daily Devotions by Scripture: Romans

Date Title Scripture Reference Topics
July 25, 2024 Wake Up! Romans 13:8-14 Obedience, Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
May 17, 2024 Obey the Governing Authorities Romans 13:1-7 Christianity, Discipleship, Love
May 2, 2024 From Death to Life Romans 6:1-14 Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, God, God's Kingdom
April 21, 2024 Dealing With Conflict Romans 12:17-19 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Emotions, Peace, Trials & Challenges
April 10, 2024 Secure in God’s Grace Romans 10:9-13 Faithfulness, Christianity, Salvation
April 9, 2024 Embracing God’s Unconditional Love Romans 8:31-39 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Grace
March 26, 2024 Jesus Conquers All for Us Romans 8:31-39 God, Jesus, Life, Trials & Challenges
March 25, 2024 Jesus Renews All Creation Romans 8:18-27 Christianity, Salvation, Life, Christian Life, Freedom
March 17, 2024 We are Adopted Romans 8:14-17, 22-25 God, God the Father, Life, Family & Relationships
March 15, 2024 Jesus Saves Us From Hell Romans 5:12-19 Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, Life, Trials & Challenges, Fear
March 5, 2024 Jesus Delivers Us From Slavery Exodus 12:31-38; Romans 6:1-14 Life, Trials & Challenges, False Prophets, Christian Life, Freedom
March 4, 2024 Jesus Provides Rest and Peace Genesis 2:2-3; Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 5:1-2 Rest, Life, Emotions, Peace
January 3, 2024 Big Problem, Big Solution Isaiah 2:2-4 Christianity, Salvation, God, God's Kingdom
October 27, 2023 Dying and Rising Matthew 12:38-41; Romans 6:1-10 Christianity, Baptism, God, Jesus
October 23, 2023 A Sign Romans 4:9-11 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Baptism
October 3, 2023 Stewards Genesis 1:20-28; Romans 8:19-21 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Christianity, Doctrine, Creation
July 13, 2023 Receiving Credit Romans 4:18-25 Sacrifice, Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, Abraham
May 18, 2023 Gifts and Fruit Romans 12:1-8 Spiritual Gifts, God, Jesus
April 29, 2023 Justification, an Act of God Romans 5:1-5 Christianity, Doctrine, Justification, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 28, 2023 The Gospel, the Power of God Romans 1:8-17 Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, Christianity, Salvation
April 11, 2023 No Redemption Through Chocolate Romans 5:1-11 Sacrifice, Seasons, Easter
April 9, 2023 The Proof of God’s Love Romans 5:6-11 Sacrifice, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, God, Jesus, Seasons, Easter
March 27, 2023 Peacekeepers for Christ Romans 12:9-21 Life, Emotions, Peace, Family & Relationships
March 24, 2023 God’s Glory Romans 8:18-30 Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Trials & Challenges
March 19, 2023 Peace With God Romans 5:1 Christianity, Sin, Life, Emotions, Peace, Hope
March 16, 2023 God’s Unfailing Love Romans 8:38-39 Life, Emotions, Peace, Christian Life, Trust
January 16, 2023 What Did You Get? Romans 15:13-20 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Emotions, Joy, Hope, Seasons, Christmas
October 31, 2022 Forbearance Romans 2:1-4 Kindness, Christianity, Discipleship, Repentance
October 30, 2022 Evilness Romans 1:28-2:4 Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, Christianity, Sin
October 14, 2022 Causing Dissension Romans 16:17-20 Unity, Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, Life, Emotions, Tension
July 29, 2022 Hope’s Two Daughters Romans 12:9-21 Goodness, Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Following Jesus
July 23, 2022 Creation Groans Romans 8:18-25 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation
June 21, 2022 Sanctified Living Romans 5:1-5 Christianity, Baptism, God, Holy Spirit
May 27, 2022 The Communion of Saints Roman 12:3-21 Spiritual Gifts, Christianity, Discipleship, Communion, The Apostles’ Creed
May 11, 2022 Our Lord Romans 10:9-13; Acts 2:29-36 God, God the Father, The Apostles’ Creed
May 7, 2022 Our Father’s World Romans 8:31-39 Bible, Books of the Bible, Matthew, Christianity, Doctrine, Creation
April 26, 2022 A Resurrection Like His Romans 6:1-7 Resurrection, Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, New Life
February 28, 2022 Law, Love, and Desire for God Romans 8:1-4 Bible, The Law, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, God, Commandments
February 9, 2022 The Best of Friends Romans 5:1-11 Sacrifice, Christianity, Discipleship, Love
February 6, 2022 Only Love is Enough Romans 13:8-14 Sacrifice, Obedience, Bible, The Law, Christianity, Discipleship, Love
February 1, 2022 Law is Not Enough Romans 12:9-21; 13:8-10 Bible, The Law, Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, Discipleship, Love
December 22, 2021 ‘Christmas Offering’ Matthew 2:1-12 God, Jesus, Seasons, Advent, Christmas
July 7, 2021 Faith—Sharing Tears Romans 12:9-16
July 4, 2021 Faith—Overcoming Evil Romans 12:17-21
June 27, 2021 Gifts of Speaking Romans 12:4-8; 1 Corinthians 14:1-4
June 13, 2021 The Groaning of the Spirit Romans 8:18-30
June 12, 2021 The Affirmation of the Spirit Romans 8:14-17
June 11, 2021 Led by the Spirit Romans 8:12-14
June 10, 2021 The Life-Giving Spirit Romans 8:9-11
June 9, 2021 Governed by the Spirit Romans 8:1-8
April 26, 2021 Part of God’s Family Tree Romans 11:13-24, 33-36
December 12, 2020 What If You Can’t Pray? Romans 8:22-28
May 20, 2020 Community Is . . . Caring Romans 12:3-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church, Life, Trials & Challenges, Comfort, Christian Life, Community
May 19, 2020 Community Is . . . What I Was Adopted Into Romans 8:14-17 Adoption, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Family & Relationships, Christian Life, Community
February 17, 2020 More Than a Platitude Romans 8:18-30 God, God's Will, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Purpose
February 16, 2020 Gripped by God's Love Romans 8:31-39 Resurrection, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering
December 2, 2019 Adam and the Fall Into Sin Genesis 3:17-19 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, New Life
November 30, 2019 If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Romans 8:28-39 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
November 29, 2019 Shall We Go on Sinning? Romans 5:18-6:14 Christianity, Sin, Salvation, Discipleship, Grace, Confession, Repentance
October 24, 2019 Access Romans 5:1-11 Assurance, Christianity, Salvation, Discipleship, Faith, Grace, Life, Emotions, Peace
October 22, 2019 Heirs Romans 8:1-17 Adoption, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life, Provision
July 22, 2019 Is This Really a Savior? Judges 14:1-3 Bible, Bible Characters, Samson, Life, Trials & Challenges, Failure, Weakness, Christian Life, Worldliness
July 6, 2019 Unexpected Salvation Romans 8:26-30 Compassion, Mercy, Christianity, Discipleship, Repentance
July 4, 2019 Looking in All the Wrong Places Judges 2:11-15 Discipline, Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, Life, Trials & Challenges, Weakness
April 27, 2019 We Can Persevere Romans 7:14-25 Assurance, Faithfulness, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
April 22, 2019 Keep Singing! Romans 8:31-39 Resurrection, Assurance, Christianity, Discipleship, Worship, Seasons, Easter
April 15, 2019 Justified Romans 4:16-25 Theology, Christianity, Salvation, Doctrine, Justification
April 13, 2019 Our Rejoicing Romans 4:1-8 Faithfulness, Christianity, Salvation, Life, Emotions, Joy, Pride
April 9, 2019 Response Needed! Romans 10:16-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
April 8, 2019 Beautiful Feet Romans 10:9-15 Evangelism, Bible, Good News, Books of the Bible, Isaiah
April 6, 2019 By Grace and Through Faith Romans 3:19-26 Bible, Good News, Christianity, Sin, Life, Emotions, Hope
April 3, 2019 Messed Up Romans 1:18-25 Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, Creation, Discipleship, Praise, Life, Christian Life, Resisting God
March 30, 2019 Thin Places Romans 8:28-39 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Sanctification
March 19, 2019 No More Alienation Romans 3:21-26 Priest, Bible, The Gospel, Christianity, Sin
January 1, 2019 Joumou Soup Romans 12:9-21 Goodness, Faithfulness, Life, Emotions, Joy, Christian Life, Freedom
September 7, 2018 The Holy Spirit and Prayer Romans 8:22-28 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, Holy Spirit, God's Will
September 5, 2018 Talking to Our Abba Romans 8:12-17 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, God the Father
August 27, 2018 Graceful Working Together Romans 15:1-7; Colossians 3:12-14 Hospitality, Unity, Christianity, Doctrine, Forgiveness
August 25, 2018 The Endless Debt to Love Romans 13:8-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Service, Life, Family & Relationships
August 15, 2018 Do Not Be Anxious Matthew 6:25-34 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Purpose, Christian Life, Trust
August 2, 2018 Called to Hospitality Romans 12:9-21 Hospitality, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth
April 24, 2018 Free of Shame Romans 8:28-39 Resurrection, Life, Emotions, Shame, Christian Life, Freedom
April 23, 2018 Free to Belong Romans 8:14-17 Hospitality, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Christian Life, Freedom
April 14, 2018 The Power of the Cross Romans 8:1-10 Goodness, Christianity, Sin, Salvation
March 19, 2018 The Zeal of the Ant Proverbs 6:6-11; Romans 12:3-18 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Work
March 7, 2018 Overcoming Our Sin Proverbs 6:16-19; Matthew 5:27-30 Obedience, Christianity, Sin, God, Holy Spirit
December 2, 2017 In Him the Gentiles Will Hope Romans 15:7-13 Life, Emotions, Hope, Trials & Challenges, Suffering
November 20, 2017 Living in Harmony Is Necessary Romans 12:9-16 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Family & Relationships
November 18, 2017 Accepting One Another Romans 15:1-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Family & Relationships
November 17, 2017 “I’m Praying for You; Please Pray for Me” Romans 1:8-10 Unity, Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer
November 12, 2017 More About Encouragement Romans 12:1-8 Kindness, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Service
November 6, 2017 It’s Not About You Romans 12:1-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Grace
November 1, 2017 The Ultimate Command John 13:34-35 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Family & Relationships
October 28, 2017 Soli Deo Gloria: to God Be the Glory! Romans 11:33-36 Faithfulness, Christianity, Doctrine, Glory, Discipleship, Grace
October 24, 2017 The Nature of Saving Faith Romans 3:21-31 Mercy, Faithfulness, Christianity, Salvation
October 9, 2017 We Need a Savior Romans 3:21-31 Christianity, Sin, Salvation
September 27, 2017 Thanks for Grace Romans 14:1-8 Christianity, Doctrine, Glory, Discipleship, Grace
September 22, 2017 Sacrificial Thanks Romans 12:1-3 Sacrifice, Mercy, Christianity, Discipleship, Worship
September 21, 2017 Hopeful Thanks Romans 5:1-6 Resurrection, Life, Emotions, Hope, Trials & Challenges
September 17, 2017 Thanks for God’s Work Romans 1:1-8 Kindness, Goodness, Listening
August 26, 2017 Father, Make Us One Romans 15:1-13 Evangelism, Unity, Christianity, Doctrine, Glory
August 25, 2017 A Puzzle and a Song Romans 11:33-12:2 Knowledge, Christianity, Doctrine, Glory, Discipleship, Grace
July 25, 2017 Greet One Another Romans 16:1-7, 15-16 Kindness, Life, Christian Life, Community
May 16, 2017 Learning to Sacrifice Malachi 2:13; Romans 12:1, 9-13 God, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Selflessness
January 15, 2017 A Time to Honor and a Time to Grieve Esther 5:9-6:12; Romans 12:3 Life, Emotions, Pride, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Christian Life
December 14, 2016 Hope of the World Romans 15:7-13
December 13, 2016 Hope in the Unseen Romans 8:22-27
December 8, 2016 Dawn of Hope Romans 13:11-14
December 6, 2016 Sure Hope Romans 5:1-5
November 18, 2016 Two Revelations Romans 1:18-23
July 16, 2016 Hanging in There Romans 5:1-5
July 12, 2016 A New Master Matthew 12:43-45
June 24, 2016 Holy Spirit, Intercessor Romans 8:18-27
February 15, 2016 God’s Coworkers: Governing Society Romans 13:1-7
November 30, 2015 Nothing Can Separate Us! Romans 8:31-39 Reconciliation, Christianity, Sin, God
November 29, 2015 God Works for Our Good Romans 8:28-30 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering
November 28, 2015 Suffering Versus Glory Romans 8:18-27 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Christian Life
November 27, 2015 Set Your Mind Romans 8:5-11 Bible, God's Word, God, Holy Spirit
November 26, 2015 It’s a New Day Romans 8:1-4 Christianity, Sin, God, Life, Christian Life, Freedom
November 25, 2015 The Place of Evil Romans 7:21-25 Christianity, Sin, God, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
November 24, 2015 I Still Belong to Jesus Romans 7:14-20 Christianity, Sin, God, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
November 23, 2015 Holy Law Romans 7:7-13 Christianity, Sin, God, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
November 22, 2015 Connected to Jesus Romans 7:1-6 Christianity, Sin, God, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
November 21, 2015 Life in Christ Romans 6:15-23 Christianity, Sin, God, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
November 20, 2015 Alive to God Romans 6:8-14 Christianity, Sin, Discipleship, Repentance, God
November 19, 2015 United With Christ Romans 6:1-7 Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, Forgiveness, God
November 18, 2015 Jesus Trumps Sin Romans 5:12-21 Theology, Bible, Christianity, Discipleship, Grace
November 17, 2015 At Just the Right Time Romans 5:6-11 Sacrifice, God, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
November 16, 2015 Resting on Peace Romans 5:1-5 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Faith, Life, Emotions, Peace
November 15, 2015 Hoping in God Romans 4:18-25 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, Life, Emotions, Hope
November 14, 2015 I Belong to God Romans 4:13-17 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Grace, God
November 13, 2015 Trusting God to Do It Romans 4:1-12 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, Life, Christian Life, Trust
November 12, 2015 Boasting in Jesus Romans 3:27-31 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Grace, God
November 11, 2015 God’s Justice in Jesus Romans 3:21-26 Christianity, Sin, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
November 10, 2015 What I Really Need Romans 3:9-20 Christianity, Sin, Salvation
November 9, 2015 Religion on the Inside Romans 2:17-29 Christianity, Baptism, Life, Christian Life, Following Jesus
November 8, 2015 Bearing Fruit Matters Romans 2:12-16 Integrity, Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, Life, Personal Growth
November 7, 2015 Kindness and Repentance Romans 2:1-11 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Repentance, God
November 6, 2015 Following Truth Romans 1:21-32 Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, Truth, Life
November 5, 2015 Knowing God Romans 1:18-20 Wisdom, Christianity, Doctrine, Truth, God
November 4, 2015 God’s Desire for Me Romans 1:14-17 Bible, The Gospel, Christianity, Salvation, God
November 3, 2015 God’s Words for Me Romans 1:13-15 Theology, Bible, God's Word
November 2, 2015 Letters From God Romans 1:7-13 Bible, God's Word, Christianity, Discipleship, Faith
November 1, 2015 “A Devoted Slave of Jesus” Romans 1:1-6 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith
September 30, 2015 Stolen Eggs and a Second Chance Romans 12:17-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, The Church, Life, Christian Life, Community
September 29, 2015 Love Sets Boundaries Romans 12:17-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, The Church, Life, Christian Life, Community
September 28, 2015 Secure Enough to Love Ephesians 3:14-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, The Church, Life, Christian Life, Community
September 27, 2015 God’s Heart Beats With Reconciliation Genesis 33:1-11 Reconciliation, Life, Family & Relationships, Christian Life, Community
September 26, 2015 Love Takes Time to Listen Mark 5:25-34 Listening, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Family & Relationships
September 25, 2015 Faithfulness Through Persecution 1 Peter 4:12-19 Faithfulness, Christianity, The Church, Life, Trials & Challenges, Persecution
September 24, 2015 Real Hospitality Doesn’t Grumble 1 Peter 4:7-11 Hospitality, Christianity, The Church, Life, Christian Life, Community
September 23, 2015 Easy and Difficult Sharing Romans 12:9-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, The Church, Life, Christian Life, Community
September 22, 2015 Prayer Builds Relationship With God James 5:13-16 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Family & Relationships, Christian Life, Community
September 21, 2015 “I Know That I Have You” Ephesians 4:1-6 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Community
September 20, 2015 Living With Joyful Hope Romans 15:13 Christianity, The Church, Life, Emotions, Hope, Christian Life, Community
September 19, 2015 Serving God Through Loving Others 1 John 4:7-12 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Service, The Church
September 18, 2015 Worship Disruption or Participation? Psalm 100 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Worship, The Church
September 17, 2015 Sincere Love Hates Hatred 1 Corinthians 13 Compassion, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, The Church
June 29, 2015 Marked Romans 4:1-12 Adoption, Christianity, Baptism, Life, Christian Life
June 16, 2015 Dying and Rising Romans 6:1-14 Christianity, Baptism, God, God's Kingdom
June 6, 2015 Accepted Romans 8:14-17 Christianity, Baptism, God, God's Kingdom
May 29, 2015 Our Glorious Inheritance Revelation 21:1-4 Adoption, Christianity, Doctrine, Heaven, Life, Christian Life
May 25, 2015 Orchestrating Love Romans 8:22-32 Adoption, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Christian Life
May 24, 2015 Adopted Into the Family Ephesians 1:3-14 Adoption, Chosen, Life, Christian Life
May 23, 2015 Glorious Freedom Romans 8:18-21 Christianity, Doctrine, Glory, Life, Christian Life, Freedom
May 16, 2015 A Different Kind of Lost Luke 15:25-32 Assurance, Christianity, Discipleship, Love
May 11, 2015 The Prodigal Father Luke 15:11-32 Christianity, Doctrine, Forgiveness, Discipleship, Repentance
May 5, 2015 “Abba, Father” Romans 8:12-17 God, God the Father, Life, Trials & Challenges, Comfort
April 20, 2015 No Condemnation 1 Corinthians 15:20-28 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Emotions, Shame
January 28, 2015 No More Groaning Romans 8:18-27 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
January 22, 2015 Living a New Life Romans 6:1-14 Christianity, Salvation, Doctrine, New Life
October 31, 2014 Reformation Day Romans 3:19-26 Bible, Christianity, Sin
October 27, 2014 God's Wrath Romans 1:18-25 Bible, God, God the Father
October 26, 2014 United With Christ Romans 6:1-14 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life
October 12, 2014 Transforming Your Mind Romans 12:1-8 Christianity, Doctrine, Truth
July 8, 2014 Suspense in God’s Story Romans 8:18-25 Life, Christian Life, Story
July 4, 2014 Can We Trust God? Romans 8:18-28 Life, Christian Life, Trust
July 2, 2014 The Story of What God Has Done Romans 5:1-8 Bible, The Bible
June 4, 2014 Did God Lose Control? Romans 8:18-25 Bible, God, God's Plan
May 29, 2014 Theos Hemon Pater: "God Our Father" Romans 1:1-7 Bible, God, God's Names
May 28, 2014 Abba Ho Pater: "Abba, Father" Mark 14:32-36; Romans 8:8-17 Bible, God, God's Names
May 24, 2014 Kyrios: "Lord" Romans 10:5-13 Bible, God, God's Names
February 26, 2014 Language Romans 8:22-27 Bible, God, Holy Spirit
February 22, 2014 Paul the Traveler Romans 15:23-29 Bible, Good News
December 29, 2013 New Year Blessing Romans 15:1-13 Life, Emotions, Joy, Peace, Hope
December 21, 2013 Home for Christmas Romans 8:1-17 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Seasons, Christmas
December 9, 2013 Mighty God and Our Enemies Romans 8:31-39 God, Jesus, Life, Trials & Challenges, Enemies, Christian Life, The Future
December 1, 2013 Christmas Hope Romans 5:1-11 Christianity, Salvation, Life, Emotions, Hope, Seasons, Christmas
August 31, 2013 Looking Into the Future Romans 10:9-13 Christianity, Salvation, Doctrine, Eternal Life, Heaven
June 28, 2013 A Message of Hope Romans 10:9-15 Bible, Good News, Bible Characters, Elisha
April 21, 2013 Choose to Be Accepting Romans 15:1-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, God, Life, Family & Relationships
April 20, 2013 Judgment or Forgiveness Romans 14:1-13 Christianity, Doctrine, Forgiveness, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
April 19, 2013 Living in Harmony Romans 12:9-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Church, Life, Christian Life, Community
April 18, 2013 Devotion and Honor Romans 12:1-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Church, Life, Christian Life, Community
February 22, 2013 Protection Romans 8:31-39 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Service, Church
February 20, 2013 Evil Delight Romans 12:9-21 Bible, The Bible, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Christian Life, Community
February 10, 2013 Simple Kindness? Romans 5:6-11 Kindness, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, God
November 14, 2012 Asking Better Romans 8:26-30 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith
November 4, 2012 The Importance of Squinting Romans 1:8-17
November 1, 2012 Thoughts About Faith Romans 1:16-23 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith
September 22, 2012 Slaves to Sin, Slaves to Righteousness Romans 6:15-23 Christianity, Discipleship, Repentance, Life, Christian Life
September 21, 2012 What Are You Good At? Romans 12:1-8 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Christian Life
September 10, 2012 What Shall We Eat? Romans 14 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Christian Life
May 26, 2012 Simple Service Romans 12:1-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Service
April 8, 2012 Freedom Romans 6:1-7, 23 Life, Emotions, Joy, Seasons, Easter
March 17, 2012 Promises Made-and Kept Romans 8:28-39 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Seasons, Lent
March 16, 2012 Sinner and Savior Romans 5:12-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Repentance, Seasons, Lent
January 27, 2012 Self-control Romans 8:5-11 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
January 12, 2012 The Legacy of Dirk Willems Romans 12:9-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Love
August 29, 2011 Wholehearted Worship Malachi 1:6-9; Romans 12:1-2 Bible, Books of the Bible, Minor Prophets
July 16, 2011 "I Miss the Organ" Romans 12:9-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Worship, The Church
June 22, 2011 Living Under Authority 1 Peter 2:13-14; Romans 13:1-7 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Christian Life, Community
June 12, 2011 A Spirit-filled Life Romans 12:1-2 Holiness, Christianity, Discipleship
June 6, 2011 Enduring Children of God 1 Peter 1:6-9; Romans 5:1-5 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
June 2, 2011 Children of God Romans 8:28-39 Chosen, Christianity, Discipleship
May 24, 2011 Reconciled to God Romans 5:1-11 Life, Christian Life, Spiritual Food
April 8, 2011 A New Kind of Family Romans 12:3-8 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, Doctrine, New Life
March 30, 2011 The Golden Chain Romans 8:28-30 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Seasons, Lent
March 20, 2011 Adoption Romans 8:12-17 Adoption, Seasons, Lent
March 19, 2011 God Demonstrates His Love Romans 5:6-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Transformation, Seasons, Lent
March 18, 2011 Count Yourselves Dead Romans 6:11-14 Christianity, The Cross, Seasons, Lent
March 17, 2011 Crucified With Christ Romans 6:5-10 Resurrection, Seasons, Lent
March 16, 2011 Baptized Into His Death Romans 6:1-4 Christianity, Baptism, Seasons, Lent
March 15, 2011 A Wicked Question Romans 6:1-8 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Seasons, Lent
March 11, 2011 No Condemnation Romans 8:1-4 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 5, 2011 By the Renewing of Your Mind Romans 12:1-2 Christianity, The Cross, Seasons, Lent
February 21, 2011 Trouble Romans 8:26-39 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Christianity, Discipleship
February 16, 2011 Sinners Seeking God Romans 7:14-25 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Christianity, Discipleship
February 4, 2011 The Search for Recovery Romans 6:8-14 Bible, Bible Characters, Jacob, Christianity, Discipleship
February 3, 2011 Rethinking Sin Romans 7:14-25 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth
February 2, 2011 Better Sinners? John 8:31-34; Romans 6:11-18 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth
February 1, 2011 Still Sinners Romans 3:21-26 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth
January 29, 2011 Shared Memories Romans 6:1-14 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Christian Life, Community
October 30, 2010 These Gifts Are Ours, Right Now! Romans 3:21-26 Bible, Books of the Bible, Colossians
October 2, 2010 Do I Please God? Romans 12:1-3 Bible, Books of the Bible, Colossians
August 6, 2010 The Law Romans 7:7-25 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
August 3, 2010 Directions Romans 12:1-8 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
June 28, 2010 Puzzling Grace Romans 8:28-39 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
May 24, 2010 One Day Closer Romans 13:8-14 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Eternal Life, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
May 16, 2010 Just the Right Time Romans 5:1-11 Bible, The Gospel, Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, New Life, God, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
October 24, 2009 Serving the Body Romans 12:1-8 Life, Family & Relationships
October 7, 2009 Trusting Your God Romans 15:7-13 Life, Family & Relationships
September 20, 2009 Are We Ready to Surrender? Romans 12:1-2 Bible, Books of the Bible, James
September 3, 2009 From Cynic to Servant Romans 12:1-2 Bible, Books of the Bible, James
July 11, 2009 Living at Peace Romans 12:9-21 Bible, Books of the Bible, Galatians
May 28, 2009 Justice Romans 3:3-6 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness
May 24, 2009 Blasphemed Romans 2:17-24 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness
May 6, 2009 Tolerance Romans 2:1-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness
March 5, 2009 Transformation-reformation Romans 5:1-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Transformation
March 3, 2009 Transformation-conforming Romans 12:1-3 Christianity, Discipleship, Transformation
March 1, 2009 Transformation-information Romans 10:9-15 Christianity, Discipleship, Transformation
January 4, 2009 Return to Our Father Romans 8:1-17 Bible, Books of the Bible
November 14, 2008 Dead and Alive Romans 6:8-14
November 8, 2008 Being and Belonging Romans 14:1-12
October 21, 2008 Pass It On Romans 10:8-15 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
October 3, 2008 True Hero Romans 5:6-11 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
August 3, 2008 God Works Through Trial Romans 8:28-39 Life, Trials & Challenges, Weakness
July 13, 2008 We All Have Promises to Keep Romans 16:1-16 Christianity, Discipleship, Disciplines
July 4, 2008 All You Need Is Love Romans 12:9-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Disciplines
June 17, 2008 Baptism as Drowning Romans 6 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
February 2, 2008 Practice and Repetition Romans 12:1-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Disciplines
February 1, 2008 From Sinning to Transforming Romans 5:12-19 Christianity, Discipleship, Disciplines
September 20, 2007 The Gift of Baptism Romans 6:1-4 Christianity, Discipleship
September 17, 2007 Community Orientation Romans 12:1-5 Christianity, Discipleship
August 14, 2007 Children and Heirs, Not Slaves Romans 8:9-17 Christianity, Discipleship
July 25, 2007 A Deadly Sin: Lust Romans 1:18-32 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
July 5, 2007 The Heart of the Problem Romans 3:9-20 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
June 23, 2007 The Church Is Sent Romans 10:13-18 Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church
June 20, 2007 Glory With Christ Romans 8:12-25 Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church
May 27, 2007 Making God Smile Romans 12:3-8 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
May 18, 2007 Saved to Serve! Romans 12:1-8 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
April 7, 2007 Careless Romans 6:1-4 Christianity, Discipleship
April 6, 2007 The Cross Romans 3:21-26 Christianity, Discipleship
April 5, 2007 Facing Reality Romans 5:12-21 Christianity, Discipleship
April 4, 2007 Proof Romans 5:1-11 Christianity, Discipleship
April 3, 2007 But Now ... Romans 3:21-26 Christianity, Discipleship
March 5, 2007 Travel Attire Romans 13:11-14 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
November 4, 2006 Mourners (2) Romans 12:9-16 Bible, Books of the Bible
July 29, 2006 All Creation Groans Romans 8:18-25 Life, Christian Life, Missions
June 14, 2006 Picking up Your Ministry Romans 12:1-8 Life, Christian Life, Missions
May 18, 2006 Children of God Romans 8:9-17 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
May 1, 2006 Overcoming the Victim Mentality Romans 8:35-39 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
January 21, 2006 When You Can't Pray Romans 8:18-27 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
January 9, 2006 How to Get Close to God: Commit Romans 12:1-8 Life, Christian Life, Seeking God
December 29, 2005 Beloved Romans 8:31-39 Christianity, Discipleship
December 27, 2005 Access Romans 5:1-11 Christianity, Discipleship
December 2, 2005 Near Romans 13:11-14 Christianity, Discipleship
November 26, 2005 Assurance Romans 8:12-17 Christianity, Discipleship
November 25, 2005 Hope Romans 8:18-25 Christianity, Discipleship
November 10, 2005 Accepting Ourselves Romans 12:1-8 Christianity, Discipleship
November 2, 2005 Near Romans 13:11-14 Christianity, Discipleship
September 19, 2005 Changing the World Romans 12:1-8 Life, Christian Life, Missions