Daily Devotions about: Personal Growth

Date Title Scripture Reference Topics
July 25, 2024 Wake Up! Romans 13:8-14 Obedience, Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
June 19, 2024 Happiness in Being Satisfied 1 Timothy 6:6-10 Life, Emotions, Happiness, Personal Growth, Wealth
June 2, 2024 Happiness in Being Created by God Ephesians 2:1-10 Life, Emotions, Happiness, Personal Growth, Purpose
May 27, 2024 Don’t Work, Don’t Eat 2 Thessalonians 3:1-13 Life, Trials & Challenges, Hunger, Personal Growth, Work
May 11, 2024 Your Will Be Done Matthew 6:9-13 Faithfulness, God, God's Will, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
May 9, 2024 Do Justice and Love Mercy Micah 6:6-8 Mercy, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
May 6, 2024 Naboth’s Vineyard 1 Kings 21:1-19 Life, Personal Growth, Justice
May 5, 2024 God is Just Isaiah 1:2-4, 13-23 Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
April 26, 2024 Work: Serving God With Excellence Colossians 3:23-24 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Work
April 25, 2024 Trusting God in Uncertainty Psalm 89:8-16 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Trust
April 20, 2024 Discerning God’s Will Proverbs 16:1-3, 9 Wisdom, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
April 15, 2024 Singleness: Embracing God’s Purpose 1 Corinthians 7:7-9 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Purpose
April 13, 2024 Servant Leadership II Matthew 20:25-28 Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness, Christian Life, Following Jesus
April 2, 2024 Discipleship: Embracing the Call Matthew 4:18-22 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth, Commitment
March 23, 2024 Jesus Builds Us a Home 1 Peter 2:4-10 God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
February 27, 2024 Rich but, Oh, So Poor Hebrews 13:5-6; Revelation 3:16-18 Life, Personal Growth, Wealth, Revelation
February 26, 2024 Lukewarm Laodicea Revelation 3:14-22 Life, Personal Growth, Wealth, Revelation
January 15, 2024 MLK and the Kingdom Of God Mark 10:13-16 Christianity, Discipleship, Church, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
January 11, 2024 Enough is Enough 1 Timothy 6:6-10 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
December 23, 2023 Wisdom From Heaven James 3:13-18 Wisdom, Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Christian Life, Community
December 15, 2023 Crying on the Couch 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Justice, Christian Life, Community
December 14, 2023 Can We Pray and Learn Together? Hebrews 13:1-3 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Christian Life, Community
September 25, 2023 Brought Back by God’s Mercy Psalm 107:1-16 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
June 8, 2023 The ‘Roller Coaster’ Genesis 45:1-11 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
June 2, 2023 Walking in the Garden Genesis 3:1-15 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
May 23, 2023 Let Your ‘Yes’ Be ‘Yes’ Matthew 5:33-37 Faithfulness, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth, Commitment
May 20, 2023 The Lord Has Shown Us What Is Good Micah 6:6-8 Mercy, Bible, Books of the Bible, Matthew, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
April 29, 2023 Justification, an Act of God Romans 5:1-5 Christianity, Doctrine, Justification, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 27, 2023 Scandal and Madness 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, Christianity, Doctrine, Forgiveness, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 25, 2023 The Humiliation of Jesus Philippians 2:5-11 Humility, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 20, 2023 The High Price of Redemption 1 Peter 1:18-21 Sacrifice, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 18, 2023 Jesus, the Shepherd John 10:11-30 God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 17, 2023 The Purifying Blood 1 John 1:5-10 Christianity, Sin, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 12, 2023 The Eternal Lamb 1 Peter 1:17-21 God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 8, 2023 A Cry of Triumph John 19:28-30 Sacrifice, God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Easter
March 11, 2023 No Justice, No Peace Luke 18:1-8 God, Jesus, Life, Emotions, Peace, Personal Growth, Justice
October 22, 2022 Wrath Psalm 37:7-11 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Life, Trials & Challenges, Mockery, Personal Growth, Justice
October 10, 2022 Vain Conceit Philippians 2:1-11 Humility, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
October 9, 2022 Self-Control Titus 2:11-14 Self-Control, Christianity, Sin, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
September 6, 2022 Blessed are Those Who Hunger Matthew 5:1-10 Bible, Books of the Bible, Gospel of John, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
August 29, 2022 Perseverance James 1:1-8 Bible, Books of the Bible, James, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Perseverance
July 26, 2022 Redeemed! Psalm 103:1-18 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Christianity, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
July 17, 2022 Worship that Counts Isaiah 1:12-20 Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
July 16, 2022 Ways to Help (3) Luke 18:1-8 Compassion, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
March 25, 2022 Defending Against Enemies Psalm 83:1-18 Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Life, Trials & Challenges, Enemies, Personal Growth, Justice
March 15, 2022 Stormy Souls 2 Peter 2:1-3, 17-19 Life, Trials & Challenges, False Prophets, Personal Growth, Selfishness
February 25, 2022 Don’t Take What Isn’t Yours Malachi 3:6-12 God, Commandments, Life, Trials & Challenges, Temptation, Personal Growth, Selfishness
February 23, 2022 In Christ, Love Conquers Hate Matthew 5:21-26 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, God, Commandments, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
February 21, 2022 Free to Honor the Lord’s Time Deuteronomy 5:12-15 Sabbath, God, Commandments, Life, Personal Growth, Work
February 20, 2022 Our Time is Not Our Own Hebrews 4:1-11 Sabbath, Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Life, Personal Growth, Work
December 8, 2021 ‘Of the Father’s Love Begotten’ Revelation 1:7-8 God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Advent
November 26, 2021 Thank You, Lord! 2 Samuel 7:18-29 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
November 14, 2021 Holy Restraint 1 Samuel 24:1-22 Bible, Bible Characters, David, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Justice
October 31, 2020 Legacy Hebrews 11:21; Genesis 50:15-21 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Bible Characters, Jacob, Joseph, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
October 14, 2020 A New Name Genesis 32:22-32 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Bible Characters, Jacob, Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
October 10, 2020 Business Matters Genesis 30:25-43 Patience, Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Bible Characters, Jacob, Life, Personal Growth
October 5, 2020 Running Away Genesis 27:41-28:5 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Bible Characters, Jacob, Christianity, Sin, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
September 29, 2020 Wonderfully Made—and Remade Psalm 139 Bible, Good News, Christianity, Salvation, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
September 23, 2020 Stick-To-Itiveness Isaiah 42:1-4 Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Following Jesus, Encouragement
September 19, 2020 Justice or Just Us? Isaiah 42:1-4 Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
August 9, 2020 Healing on the Sabbath John 5:1-18 Rest, Sabbath, Bible, Books of the Bible, Gospel of John, Life, Personal Growth, Work, Christian Life, Following Jesus
June 28, 2020 Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus Hebrews 12:1-3 Faithfulness, Bible, Books of the Bible, Hebrews, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Following Jesus
June 18, 2020 God Is Not Unjust Hebrews 6:9-12 Bible, Books of the Bible, Hebrews, Christianity, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
May 25, 2020 Community Is . . . the Little Things 1 Kings 19:9-13 Bible, Books of the Bible, 1 & 2 Kings, Life, Personal Growth, Busyness, Christian Life, Community, Following Jesus
May 22, 2020 Community Is . . . Challenging Exodus 3:1-22 Bible, Books of the Bible, Exodus, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Community, Encouragement
May 15, 2020 Community Is . . . in the Moment Matthew 6:25-34 Rest, Bible, Books of the Bible, Matthew, Life, Personal Growth, Busyness, Christian Life, Community
March 21, 2020 Threading the Needle Matthew 19:16-26 Generosity, Bible, Books of the Bible, Matthew, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
March 17, 2020 Caution: Slow Down Luke 10:38-42 Christianity, Discipleship, Worship, Life, Personal Growth, Busyness, Christian Life, Following Jesus
February 17, 2020 More Than a Platitude Romans 8:18-30 God, God's Will, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Purpose
February 12, 2020 Hanging On By a Thread James 5:7-11 Bible, Books of the Bible, James, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Perseverance
January 10, 2020 Growth in Affliction Psalm 119:65-72 Goodness, Bible, Books of the Bible, Psalms, Life, Trials & Challenges, Comfort, Suffering, Personal Growth
December 21, 2019 God Remembers Luke 1:5-24, 67-80 Bible, Good News, Books of the Bible, Gospels, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Redemption
November 6, 2019 Why Do You Ask My Name? Genesis 32:22-32 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Bible Characters, Jacob, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
November 5, 2019 Will Not the Judge . . . Do Right? Genesis 18:20-25 Bible, Books of the Bible, Genesis, Christianity, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
September 21, 2019 Little Strength Revelation 3:7-13 Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
September 17, 2019 More Than Before Revelation 2:18-19 Faithfulness, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
September 15, 2019 Where Satan Lives Revelation 2:12-13 Sacrifice, Faithfulness, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
September 14, 2019 The Crown of Life Revelation 2:8-11 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Perseverance
September 5, 2019 Partners Revelation 1:9 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Perseverance
August 31, 2019 The Bridegroom and the Bride Isaiah 62:1-5 Bible, Books of the Bible, Isaiah, Christianity, Doctrine, Heaven, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Christian Life, Promises
August 29, 2019 I Have the Right to do Anything, But . . . 1 Corinthians 6:12 Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth, Christian Life, Freedom
August 27, 2019 Two Small Copper Coins Mark 12:41-44 Compassion, Mercy, Generosity, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
August 26, 2019 Life's Worries, Riches, and Pleasures Luke 8:4-15 Life, Trials & Challenges, Temptation, Personal Growth, Choices, Selfishness, Contentment
August 24, 2019 Working and Sharing Ephesians 4:25-32 Compassion, Generosity, Life, Personal Growth, Work, Christian Life
August 23, 2019 High Class, Low Class Alike Jeremiah 5:1-5 Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, Judgment, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
August 21, 2019 The Love You Had at First Revelation 2:1-7 Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Community, Seeking God
August 20, 2019 Beautifully Paneled Houses Haggai 1 Bible, Books of the Bible, Minor Prophets, Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church, Life, Trials & Challenges, Opposition, Personal Growth, Purpose
August 15, 2019 Rags or Riches? Proverbs 23:1-9, 17-35 Wisdom, Bible, Books of the Bible, Proverbs, Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Worldliness
August 10, 2019 Contentment 1 Timothy 6:6-10 Life, Trials & Challenges, Peer Pressure, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Worldliness, Contentment
August 9, 2019 God and Money Matthew 6:19-24 Treasure, Life, Trials & Challenges, Danger, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Worldliness
August 8, 2019 Moth, Vermin, and Thieves Matthew 6:19-24 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Seeking God, Worldliness
August 7, 2019 Heavenly Economics Proverbs 11:24-28 Generosity, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness, Seasons, Christmas
August 5, 2019 The Rich Man and the Poor Man Luke 16:19-31 Parable, Generosity, Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Wealth
August 4, 2019 The Prosperity of Job Job 42:10-16 Faithfulness, God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Wealth
July 30, 2019 Peace at What Price? Judges 20:12-36 Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, Discipleship, Repentance, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
July 23, 2019 Who Knew? Judges 14:4 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Weakness, Personal Growth, Redemption
July 19, 2019 Jephthah the Outcast Judges 11:1-11 God, God's Will, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
July 18, 2019 Seeing is Believing Judges 9:50-57 Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, The Cross, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
July 12, 2019 Terrible Praise Judges 5:24-31; Revelation 18:1-8 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Trials & Challenges, Enemies, Personal Growth, Sanctification
July 11, 2019 Jael as the Hand of God Judges 4:11-24 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Help, Personal Growth, Redemption
July 9, 2019 Ehud: Divinely Designed Savior Judges 3:12-30; John 1:43-46 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Story, Provision
July 8, 2019 Who's the Wrongdoer? Judges 3:7-11; Luke 18:1-8 Compassion, Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
July 3, 2019 What God Sees Judges 2:10-11 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Community
June 28, 2019 On to Rome, by Way of Storm Acts 27 Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Selflessness, Christian Life
June 26, 2019 Festus: Puzzled by Paul Acts 25:1-22 Bible, Good News, Bible Characters, Paul, God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
June 23, 2019 What Made the Crowd Angry? Acts 21:37-22:29 Bible, Books of the Bible, Acts, Bible Characters, Paul, Life, Trials & Challenges, Opposition, Personal Growth, Selfishness
June 21, 2019 Compelled by the Spirit Acts 20 Bible, Bible Characters, Paul, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Missions
June 6, 2019 Church on the Move Acts 8:26-40 Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church, Great Commission, Life, Personal Growth
May 28, 2019 Finished! -- And Finishing Well Hebrews 12:1-3 Christianity, Doctrine, Ascension, God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
May 25, 2019 Ascension Power Ephesians 1:15-23 Christianity, Doctrine, Ascension, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life
April 30, 2019 A Passionate Prayer John 17:13-26 Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church, Prayer, Life, Personal Growth, Sanctification, Christian Life, Following Jesus
April 27, 2019 We Can Persevere Romans 7:14-25 Assurance, Faithfulness, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
April 26, 2019 Growing to Know Our Lord 2 Peter 1:1-11 Obedience, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth, Sanctification, Christian Life
April 24, 2019 Glory to God! John 15:1-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth, Sanctification, Christian Life
April 9, 2019 Response Needed! Romans 10:16-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
March 31, 2019 Toward the Cross Luke 17:20-37 Christianity, The Cross, Life, Personal Growth, Sanctification, Christian Life, Seasons, Lent
March 30, 2019 Thin Places Romans 8:28-39 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Sanctification
March 27, 2019 Christ's Reign and Rule Revelation 11:15-19 Adoption, Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Life, Personal Growth, Sanctification, Christian Life, The Future
March 14, 2019 Who Are You? Matthew 16:13-20 Bible, Bible Characters, Peter, Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, Life, Personal Growth, Busyness, Christian Life
March 13, 2019 A Prophet's Job Description Ephesians 4:7-13 Boldness, Life, Trials & Challenges, Opposition, Persecution, Personal Growth
March 11, 2019 Prophets and Priests Exodus 8:8-32 Christianity, Doctrine, Forgiveness, Life, Trials & Challenges, Opposition, Personal Growth, Perseverance
March 1, 2019 A New Identity 1 John 2:20-27 Priest, Life, Personal Growth, Sanctification, Seasons, Lent
February 27, 2019 Follow Me Luke 9:57-62 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Commitment, Christian Life, Following Jesus
February 11, 2019 Sower, Seeds, Weeds Matthew 13:24-30 Parable, Christianity, Sin, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth
February 10, 2019 Sower, Seeds, Soils Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23 Parable, Bible, God's Word, Life, Personal Growth
February 8, 2019 Kingdom Contested Matthew 12:22-30 Healing, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
February 2, 2019 Able to Respond Mark 4:26-29 God, Holy Spirit, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth
January 11, 2019 28 Cents Luke 21:1-4 Generosity, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
January 9, 2019 Infinity Scarves Philippians 2:5-8 Generosity, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
November 29, 2018 Decisions to Make Exodus 28:15-30; Mark 9:2-13 Listening, God, God's Will, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
November 27, 2018 A Stumbling Stone 1 Peter 2:7-10 Obedience, Christianity, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
November 26, 2018 Living Stones 1 Peter 2:4-6 Chosen, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Community
November 24, 2018 The Woman Caught in Adultery John 8:1-11 Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, Judgment, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
November 22, 2018 The Rocks Split Matthew 27:45-55 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
November 21, 2018 Turn These Stones Into Bread Matthew 4:1-11 Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Following Jesus
November 19, 2018 Fire and Stones 1 Kings 18:30-39 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, God, Attributes of God, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
November 17, 2018 A Heart of Stone Ezekiel 11:14-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Transformation, Repentance, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
October 27, 2018 Justice Like a River Amos 5:18-24 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Justice
October 25, 2018 Wise Builders Matthew 7:24-27 Wisdom, Life, Personal Growth, Work, Christian Life, Following Jesus
October 24, 2018 Broken Cisterns Hold No Water Jeremiah 2:11-19 Christianity, Sin, Doctrine, Eternal Life, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
October 20, 2018 Wheat, Weeds, and a Mustard Seed Matthew 13:24-32 Christianity, Sin, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Work
October 11, 2018 A Beautiful Bride Revelation 21:1-5 Faithfulness, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Personal Growth, Commitment
October 6, 2018 Leaping Like a Deer Isaiah 35 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Emotions, Joy, Personal Growth, Redemption
October 1, 2018 Redeemed 1 Peter 1:13-21 Mercy, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Redemption
September 30, 2018 The End of Prayer 1 Chronicles 29:10-20 Christianity, Doctrine, Glory, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
September 29, 2018 Developing a Passion for Prayer Colossians 1:3-14 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
September 24, 2018 Morning Prayer Psalm 5 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Emotions, Peace, Personal Growth, Choices
September 21, 2018 Making Prayer a Habit Colossians 4:2-6 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Seeking God
September 3, 2018 The Turn of the Heart James 4:1-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Emotions, Hope, Personal Growth, Choices
August 30, 2018 God of Justice Isaiah 42:1-9 Christianity, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Purpose, Christian Life, Promises
August 24, 2018 Generous Giving Matthew 6:1-4 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Selflessness
August 20, 2018 Living Out the Story of God Luke 10:1-12 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Community
August 15, 2018 Do Not Be Anxious Matthew 6:25-34 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Purpose, Christian Life, Trust
August 9, 2018 Transformation From the Inside Out Luke 19:1-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Transformation, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Seeking God
August 2, 2018 Called to Hospitality Romans 12:9-21 Hospitality, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth
July 31, 2018 Quiet Luke 19:28-40 Christianity, Discipleship, Praise, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Following Jesus
July 29, 2018 Last Mark 10:23-31 Bible, The Gospel, Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Following Jesus
July 27, 2018 Invitation Luke 14:15-24 Assurance, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
July 24, 2018 Distracted? Luke 10:38-42 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Focus, Following Jesus
July 19, 2018 Satisfied Luke 9:10-17 Bible, God's Word, Life of Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
July 13, 2018 Foundation Matthew 7:24-27 Wisdom, Listening, Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
July 12, 2018 Fruit Luke 6:43-45 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
July 8, 2018 Do Good Matthew 12:9-14 Goodness, Sabbath, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
July 3, 2018 Passion John 2:13-17 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Work
June 20, 2018 Citizens of Heaven Philippians 3:17-21 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness, Christian Life, Following Jesus
June 19, 2018 Maturing in Christ Philippians 3:15-16 Christianity, Salvation, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Personal Growth
June 18, 2018 The Prize Philippians 3:12-14 Christianity, Salvation, Doctrine, Glory, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Personal Growth, Work
June 13, 2018 Housekeeping Philippians 2:19-24 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, The Church, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
June 8, 2018 Humble Patterns Philippians 2:1-4 Humility, Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
June 2, 2018 Loving the Other Philippians 1:7-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Christian Life, Focus
May 18, 2018 Fire and a Call for Decision 1 Kings 18:16-39 Bible, Bible Characters, Elijah, Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Following Jesus
May 10, 2018 “Why You Leave Me?” Acts 1:1-11 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Work, Christian Life, Promises
May 7, 2018 Promise and Fulfillment Deuteronomy 34 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Promises
May 4, 2018 God’s Purpose: Saving Many Lives Genesis 50:15-21 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
May 2, 2018 Leaving and Blessing Genesis 12:1-7 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Purpose
April 28, 2018 Free to Be Intentional John 4:1-26 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Freedom
April 12, 2018 A Definition of Power Philippians 2:5-11 Humility, Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
March 19, 2018 The Zeal of the Ant Proverbs 6:6-11; Romans 12:3-18 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Work
March 17, 2018 Humility Exodus 4:10-16; Luke 18:13-14 Humility, Bible, Good News, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
March 14, 2018 Eye of the Beholder Proverbs 6:20-32; Matthew 5:27-28 Self-Control, Discipline, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Christian Life, Following Jesus
March 13, 2018 Compelled to Love 2 Kings 4:1-7; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 13 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
March 12, 2018 How Much Is Enough? Proverbs 30:7-9; Luke 12:13-21 Life, Trials & Challenges, Death, Personal Growth, Selfishness
March 11, 2018 Haste Makes Waste Genesis 4:23-24; 2 Timothy 1:5-7 Self-Control, Life, Emotions, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Choices
March 6, 2018 Wishing for a Desert? Exodus 16:1-3; Revelation 12:13-14 Listening, God, God's Will, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth
March 4, 2018 I Surrender All Genesis 12:1-4; Matthew 4:18-22 Discipline, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
February 23, 2018 Knowing That Justice Will Come Luke 18:1-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
February 20, 2018 The Great Reversal Luke 16:19-31 Faithfulness, Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Choices
February 18, 2018 The Cost of Discipleship Luke 14:25-35 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life, Following Jesus
February 17, 2018 Beware of Cost-benefit Spirituality! Luke 14:1-14 Hospitality, Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
February 16, 2018 The Hidden Power of God’s Grace Luke 13:18-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth
February 13, 2018 Following Jesus Isn’t for Wimps Luke 12:1-3 Christianity, Sin, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
February 5, 2018 A Wasteful Seed Story Luke 8:4-15 Faithfulness, Bible, God's Word, Life, Personal Growth
January 16, 2018 Jesus Preaches in Parables Matthew 13:31-35 Bible, Good News, Books of the Bible, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Story
December 28, 2017 Joseph, Son of David Matthew 1:18-25 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Work
December 12, 2017 Confident Joshua Numbers 14:1-10 Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Choices
November 22, 2017 Free to Serve One Another Galatians 5:13-14 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
November 7, 2017 It’s All About Humility Philippians 2:1-11 Humility, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
October 25, 2017 Faith and Action James 2:14-26 Obedience, Faithfulness, Life, Personal Growth, Work
October 19, 2017 Grace Brings Justice and Mercy John 19:28-30 Mercy, Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
August 30, 2017 Worship the One Who Is Just Revelation 15:1-4; 16:1-7 Holiness, Mercy, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
June 30, 2017 God’s Consummate Garden Revelation 21:1-7; 22:1-5 Christianity, Doctrine, Eternal Life, New Life, Life, Personal Growth
June 29, 2017 The Lows and Highs of Gardening Isaiah 65:17-25 Bible, Good News, Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Personal Growth
June 28, 2017 Annuals and Perennials 1 Corinthians 15:35-49 Christianity, Doctrine, Eternal Life, New Life, Life, Personal Growth
June 27, 2017 Multiplication in God’s Garden John 12:20-26 Christianity, Doctrine, Eternal Life, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth
June 26, 2017 Continuing Fruit Revelation 14:6-13 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Promises
June 25, 2017 A Time to Uproot Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 God, God's Plan, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth
June 24, 2017 Produce or Perish? Luke 13:1-9 Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth
June 23, 2017 Fading Light John 12:27-36 Bible, Good News, God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth
June 22, 2017 Transplants in Trouble Psalm 80:12-19 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth
June 21, 2017 Transplanted Psalm 80:1-11 Christianity, Discipleship, Repentance, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Following Jesus
June 20, 2017 An Abundant Harvest Luke 12:13-21 Life, Emotions, Pride, Personal Growth, Wealth
June 19, 2017 An Overwhelming Harvest Matthew 9:35-38 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, The Church, Life, Personal Growth
June 18, 2017 Seeing the Harvest John 4:27-38 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, The Church, Life, Personal Growth
June 17, 2017 The Purpose of Disasters? 1 Kings 8:22-24, 37-40 Christianity, Doctrine, Judgment, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth
June 16, 2017 Gardening and Vacationing Psalm 121 Life, Emotions, Peace, Trials & Challenges, Comfort, Personal Growth
June 15, 2017 Enjoying the Harvest 2 Timothy 2:1-6 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Work
June 14, 2017 Seeking the Peace of the City Jeremiah 29:4-14 Life, Emotions, Peace, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Community
June 13, 2017 Gardening in the City Jeremiah 29:1-9 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life
June 12, 2017 Weeds in the Garden Matthew 13:24-30 Life, Trials & Challenges, Enemies, Opposition, Personal Growth
June 11, 2017 Volunteers in God’s Garden Luke 9:43-50 Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church, Service, Life, Personal Growth
June 10, 2017 Milk and Honey (and Bees) Exodus 3:1-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Work
June 9, 2017 Coworkers in God’s Garden 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Christianity, Discipleship, Being the Church, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Community
June 8, 2017 Sun, Rain, and Love for Everyone Matthew 5:43-48 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Witness, Life, Personal Growth
June 7, 2017 The Mystery of Seeds Mark 4:26-29 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Trust
June 6, 2017 Plowing and Rest Exodus 34:10-21 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Work
June 5, 2017 Desolation and Rest Isaiah 55:9-13 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
June 4, 2017 God’s Cursed Garden Genesis 3:16-19 Christianity, Sin, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth
June 3, 2017 Walking in the Garden Genesis 3:8-13 Christianity, Sin, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth
June 2, 2017 Planted in God’s Garden Genesis 2:4-15 Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life, Spiritual Food
June 1, 2017 Consider How We Grow Luke 12:22-31 God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Christian Life
May 28, 2017 What Does God Give? Malachi 3:13-15 God, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth, Christian Life, Trust
May 27, 2017 The Floodgates of Heaven Malachi 3:9-12 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
May 24, 2017 On the Wrong Side of Justice Malachi 3:5 God, Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Wealth
May 20, 2017 God Is Weary of Ingratitude Malachi 2:17 God, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth, Christian Life, Provision
May 17, 2017 Sacrifice for Your Family Malachi 2:13-14 God, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Selfishness
May 16, 2017 Learning to Sacrifice Malachi 2:13; Romans 12:1, 9-13 God, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Selflessness
May 12, 2017 Teachers of Integrity Malachi 2:6; James 2:14-18 Integrity, God, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
May 10, 2017 Foiled by God Malachi 2:1-2 God, God's Will, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
May 9, 2017 Shut the Doors, Keep Out the People Malachi 1:10-14 Christianity, Discipleship, Worship, God, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
May 8, 2017 God of Our Hearts Malachi 1:8-9 God, Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Wealth
May 7, 2017 Giving God Our Scraps Malachi 1:8 God, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Selflessness
April 18, 2017 Emmaus Road: Walking Enlightened Luke 24:25-27 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Christian Life
April 7, 2017 I Trust in You, Lord Psalm 31:1-16 Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Trust, Seasons, Easter
March 15, 2017 Not Guilty, but Sentenced to Die Luke 23:13-25 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, The Cross, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
March 14, 2017 No Basis for a Charge John 18:33-38 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, Doctrine, Truth, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
March 13, 2017 Blame the Victim John 18:28-31 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Trials & Challenges, Persecution, Personal Growth, Justice
March 12, 2017 Blind Injustice Matthew 26:59-68 Integrity, Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
March 11, 2017 Looking for Evidence Mark 14:55-59 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, Doctrine, Truth, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
February 21, 2017 When Time Runs Out Luke 16:1-14 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth, Christian Life
February 15, 2017 Inside Our Mansions Luke 16:19-31 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Wealth, Christian Life
February 14, 2017 Advice for Investors Luke 12:13-21 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
February 3, 2017 Why Are We Here? Matthew 25:14-23 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
January 29, 2017 Naomi Has a Son! Ruth 4:13-17 Bible, Bible Characters, Naomi, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Redemption
January 22, 2017 Bread in Bethlehem Ruth 3:14-18 God, God's Plan, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Redemption
January 21, 2017 Redemption Ruth 3:7-13 Christianity, Salvation, God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
January 20, 2017 The Consequences of Folly Esther 7:5-10 Life, Trials & Challenges, Failure, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life
January 16, 2017 A Time to Speak Ruth 3:1-5; 4:9-10; Deuteronomy 25:5-6 Bible, Bible Characters, Boaz, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Christian Life
January 15, 2017 A Time to Honor and a Time to Grieve Esther 5:9-6:12; Romans 12:3 Life, Emotions, Pride, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Christian Life
January 14, 2017 A Time to Speak or Be Silent? Esther 3:5-6; 4:1-5:8 Christianity, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Christian Life
January 3, 2017 . . . In a Faraway Palace Esther 1:1-12 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Wealth, Christian Life, Following Jesus
January 2, 2017 A Long Time Ago . . . Deuteronomy 28:1-24 Life, Personal Growth, Choices, Perseverance
December 7, 2015 Waiting for Freedom Luke 2:36-40 God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Christian Life, Freedom
December 5, 2015 Working While Waiting 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 Life, Personal Growth, Work, Seasons, Christmas
November 17, 2015 At Just the Right Time Romans 5:6-11 Sacrifice, God, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
November 11, 2015 God’s Justice in Jesus Romans 3:21-26 Christianity, Sin, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
November 8, 2015 Bearing Fruit Matters Romans 2:12-16 Integrity, Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, Life, Personal Growth
October 27, 2015 Your “Heart Condition” Proverbs 27:19-27 Bible, Books of the Bible, Proverbs, Life, Personal Growth
September 21, 2015 “I Know That I Have You” Ephesians 4:1-6 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Community
July 9, 2015 Elijah and Elisha: Commitment 1 Kings 19:19-21 Mentorship, Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth, Commitment
June 24, 2015 Our True Home 1 Peter 2:1-10 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
June 20, 2015 False Commitment Acts 8:9-25 God, God's Will, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
May 17, 2015 Nothing Second Best Galatians 3:26-4:7 Christianity, Doctrine, Eternal Life, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
April 21, 2015 Feeling Trapped? Ecclesiastes 2:17-26 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Freedom
April 16, 2015 Does Someone Need You? Acts 8:26-35 Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness, Christian Life, Community
April 14, 2015 Spending Time With Jesus Acts 4:8-22 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Following Jesus
March 23, 2015 Our Footwashing Lord John 13:1-17 Christianity, Discipleship, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
March 17, 2015 A Fast Secret Matthew 6:1, 16-18 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
March 5, 2015 Jesus Explains Himself Luke 24:17-27 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
January 28, 2015 No More Groaning Romans 8:18-27 God, God's Plan, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
January 27, 2015 A New Name Isaiah 62 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
January 25, 2015 A New Competence 2 Corinthians 3:1-6 Christianity, Doctrine, New Life, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
January 10, 2015 Nothing New? Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 Christianity, Sin, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
December 7, 2014 Selfless Servanthood Luke 1:31-38 Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
September 1, 2014 Redemption Comes Hard 1 Peter 4:12-19 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
July 15, 2014 When God Shows Up Genesis 39:1-5 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
July 1, 2014 Life Makes Sense: God’s Story of You Psalm 139:13-16 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
June 30, 2014 Our Life’s Purpose: Part of God’s Story Jeremiah 29:4-14 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
June 11, 2014 Is That All There Is? Jeremiah 29:10-14 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
April 25, 2014 Gone Fishing John 21:1-14 Life, Personal Growth, Work
March 12, 2014 Finishing Well Mark 14:46-50 Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
February 14, 2014 Days Like a Shadow 1 Chronicles 29:10-19 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
February 6, 2014 Counting Our Days Psalm 90 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose
January 25, 2014 The Choice Nehemiah 9:22-37 Life, Personal Growth, Choices
January 22, 2014 Integrity Nehemiah 7:1-3 Integrity, Life, Personal Growth
January 19, 2014 Making It Right Nehemiah 5 Life, Personal Growth, Justice
December 27, 2013 Christmas Lifestyle Philippians 2:1-11 Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness, Christian Life, Following Jesus, Seasons, Christmas
December 24, 2013 God With Us Matthew 1:18-25 Christianity, Doctrine, Forgiveness, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Christmas
December 18, 2013 Jesus Answers Our Needs Luke 1:67-75 God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Christmas
December 16, 2013 Hope for Sinners Psalm 130 Life, Emotions, Hope, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Christmas
October 24, 2013 Dealing Wih the Dirt in Our Eyes Matthew 7:1-5 Christianity, Sin, Life, Trials & Challenges, Weakness, Personal Growth
October 22, 2013 The Treasure of Your Heart Matthew 6:19-24 Christianity, Discipleship, Worship, Stewardship, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
October 19, 2013 Anonymous Donors Matthew 6:1-4 Kindness, Christianity, Discipleship, Stewardship, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
October 15, 2013 What God Has Joined Together Matthew 5:31-32 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness, Christian Life
September 11, 2013 God's Damaged Fruit Matthew 20:20-28 Bible, God's Word, Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Personal Growth
August 28, 2013 A Great Cloud of Witnesses Hebrews 12:1-3 Christianity, Discipleship, Faith, God, Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
August 26, 2013 Times of Drought Jeremiah 17:5-9 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Perseverance
August 14, 2013 Fun in the Sun 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Christianity, Salvation, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
August 11, 2013 Help in Storm Psalm 107:23-32 Life, Trials & Challenges, Suffering, Personal Growth, Perseverance
June 9, 2013 Mocking Words 2 Kings 2:23-25 Bible, Bible Characters, Elisha, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
May 27, 2013 The Love of God 1 John 4:7-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness
May 23, 2013 Choosing a Master Matthew 6:24-34 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness, Wealth
May 18, 2013 Abiding in the Vine John 15:1-8 Life, Trials & Challenges, Comfort, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Christian Life, Following Jesus
April 28, 2013 Practicing Patience James 5:7-12 God, God's Kingdom, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Perseverance
April 23, 2013 Justice, Mercy, Compassion Zechariah 7:8-14 Christianity, Discipleship, Worship, Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Christian Life, Community
April 22, 2013 Love Each Other 1 John 4:7-21 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Selflessness
April 20, 2013 Judgment or Forgiveness Romans 14:1-13 Christianity, Doctrine, Forgiveness, Discipleship, Grace, Life, Personal Growth, Justice
April 14, 2013 Wait 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Christianity, Discipleship, Church, Life, Personal Growth, Selfishness, Christian Life, Community
April 12, 2013 Put on New Clothes Colossians 3:1-11 Christianity, Discipleship, Witness, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Selflessness
April 7, 2013 Iron Sharpens Iron Proverbs 13:13-20; 27:17 Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Selflessness, Christian Life, Community
April 1, 2013 Avoiding Advantage Leviticus 25:14-19 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Family & Relationships, Personal Growth, Selfishness
March 23, 2013 The Lord's Look Luke 22:54-62 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
March 16, 2013 Letting It All Go Mark 10:17-27 Bible, Life of Jesus, Christianity, Doctrine, Eternal Life, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
February 18, 2013 Self-seeking - or Not 1 Corinthians 3:1-10 Christianity, Discipleship, Love, Service, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
December 13, 2012 An Encouraging Word Isaiah 7:1-9 Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
December 6, 2012 Strong Hearts 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
October 26, 2012 Give and You Shall Receive Luke 16:1-9 Christianity, Discipleship, Stewardship, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
October 25, 2012 A Persistent Plea Luke 18:1-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Christian Life, Story
October 24, 2012 Healthy Eyes Needed Luke 12:13-21; Matthew 6:22-23 Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
September 17, 2012 A Passion for Justice Isaiah 58:3-12 Life, Personal Growth, Justice, Christian Life
July 14, 2012 The No-name Woman Luke 21:1-4 Life, Personal Growth, Wealth
May 9, 2012 Praying for the Kingdom Matthew 6:5-15 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, God, God's Kingdom, Life, Personal Growth, Selflessness
April 21, 2012 Following Jesus at Work 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Life, Personal Growth, Work
April 6, 2012 It Is Finished John 19:28-37 Christianity, Salvation, The Cross, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
March 30, 2012 Scorning Scorn Luke 23:35-39 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
January 30, 2012 Growth Is Gradual Philippians 3:10-14 Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
January 29, 2012 Growth Is Gracious John 15:9-17 Christianity, Discipleship, Grace, God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth
January 27, 2012 Self-control Romans 8:5-11 God, Holy Spirit, Life, Personal Growth, Choices
January 18, 2012 Thank You for Waiting James 5:7-11 Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
October 15, 2011 Fear and Trembling 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Life, Personal Growth, Work, Christian Life
June 6, 2011 Enduring Children of God 1 Peter 1:6-9; Romans 5:1-5 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance
April 16, 2011 Paid in Full Matthew 20:20-28 Bible, Life of Jesus, Life, Personal Growth, Redemption
March 14, 2011 Ex-convicts, but Not Model Citizens Galatians 2:15-21 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 11, 2011 No Condemnation Romans 8:1-4 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 10, 2011 Triply Condemned Galatians 3:10-14 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 9, 2011 The Substitute Isaiah 53:1-6 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 6, 2011 None Understood 1 Corinthians 2:1-8 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 1, 2011 The Power of the Cross 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
February 3, 2011 Rethinking Sin Romans 7:14-25 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth
February 2, 2011 Better Sinners? John 8:31-34; Romans 6:11-18 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth
February 1, 2011 Still Sinners Romans 3:21-26 Christianity, Discipleship, Life, Personal Growth
July 23, 2010 God Listens Luke 18:1-8 Christianity, Discipleship, Prayer, Life, Trials & Challenges, Personal Growth, Justice
May 23, 2010 Faithful to Jesus 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 Christianity, Doctrine, Creation, Life, Personal Growth, Perseverance, Christian Life, Seeking God
April 21, 2010 Lost and Found Luke 15:11-32 Life, Personal Growth, Purpose, Christian Life, Seasons, Easter
April 6, 2010 Trading Places 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Easter
March 31, 2010 The Last Word Hebrews 1:1-9 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 30, 2010 Refiner's Fire Malachi 2:17-3:4 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 27, 2010 Father Abraham and Brother Jesus Zechariah 8:1-8 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 26, 2010 Joshua the High Priest Zechariah 3:1-10 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 24, 2010 Cleansing From the Cross Haggai 2:10-19 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 15, 2010 An Innocent Man Jonah 1:1-16 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 5, 2010 Sold to the Highest Bidder Hosea 3 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent
March 4, 2010 A Match Made in Heaven Hosea 1:1-9 Life, Personal Growth, Redemption, Seasons, Lent